About Us

Amanda holds a BFA in Interior Design and a BS in Accounting, both from Converse University and an MBA from Queen’s University of Charlotte. She is also certified in Actualized Leadership Profiling.

 Amanda found out early in life that she loves puzzles. She likes to look at situations and events from multiple angles and try to find the best and most favorable outcome. Seeing the good in any situation has allowed Amanda to move through her transitions in life.

Amanda found herself in the middle of a divorce and had to find the positive in her heartbreak. During this time, people reached out to her to help them with their own situations, and she found a love of helping people rebuild their lives into a new and exciting chapter. During her divorce, Amanda attended Converse University for her BS in accounting and found herself to be the age of her fellow students’ mothers. She built a rapport with her fellow students and was able to help them when trying to decide between job opportunities or other transitions in their lives.

Amanda’s passion is helping others discover their full potential in their lives through their transformations. It could be in their relationships, homes, finances, or careers. She believes that the most challenging transitions in life should not be paralyzing. These times should be times of renewed understanding and opportunities to grow into the best version of one’s self.

Amanda is married to Mike, and they have a blended family of 8 children and 4 grandchildren. Amanda’s hobbies are baking, cooking, painting, reading, traveling with the family, and feeding people.