MotIvational Monday

Mother’s Day was yesterday, and there are so many of us who did not have the best experience with our mothers. Some mothers were dismissive, some abusive, and some just made horrible decisions due to their selfishness. 

The word mother means “to give life.” That is it. Some moms gave birth to you, yet they did not give you life. You had to struggle for attention, be talked down to, shamed, and belittled. And YOU picked yourself up! You decided that no matter what knocked you down, you got back up and said, “Yes, I CAN!” 

I have tried to be the mother to my children, where they can ask me anything, tell me anything, and we will get through it. Sometimes I tell my husband Mike that I don’t want to be the cool mom anymore with the information I get from my children. And that is what I want. To be a safe place where they are not judged, feel ashamed, or feel unworthy. I want them to grow in their unique set of skills and personalities. And I don’t just want that for my children; I want that for everyone. 

We all have had some pain in our lives, and we are not to compare our pain to others. Your pain and lies that flow through your mind are real and hurtful. You can get rid of that sabotaging talk. You can be the person that your inner child needs and needed. You can give live to you. 

Let’s discuss how to get those unhelpful and hurtful lies out of your head and grow your self-worth, confidence, and safety in your own skin.

Let’s Mother your goals and dreams and give them life. 




Setting 5 goals