Be Present


Most people say, “I wish I were more present.” What does that look like to you? How can you cultivate that value in your life?


I have a 4-year-old grandson. I am fortunate to see him almost every day of the week. It does help that we have a pool at our house :). Anywho… He and I were playing a game while my son could get some work done. It struck me that I was completely present with him during the game we were playing.


We cheered and laughed, and I realized that I was completely in the moment. No To-Do list running through my head, no…I” wish my son would hurry up so I can move to the next task.” I was just being with my grandson.


And then it hit me. What would my parenting have been like if I was completely present when my children were his age? How would that have impacted them? And then I was not present. I was grieving how I felt as if I had to have it all together as a mom and career woman, how I had to strive for others' measuring sticks that they placed upon me.


It is easy to get swept up into past events and relive them and try to see different outcomes. It is easy to get swept up in planning future events and dreaming. Being present takes practice.


May I suggest that we put the technology down and have a face-to-face conversation with an important person in our lives? Sit outside and fully feel the sun beating down, and listen to the sounds around you. Take 5, 10, or 15 minutes to pause and be present. It sounds counterintuitive, but it really is invigorating and mindset-changing to do so.



“Be where you are; otherwise, you will miss your life.” - Buddha

Who has placed a measuring stick on you? Does it fit with your values?


MotIvational Monday