Take The First Step

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something and didn’t know how to start? 

You can see the big picture, but the steps don’t seem there. Take running a marathon, for example. You don’t just start to run for 26.2 miles. You must build up to it by training and conditioning your body to withstand that kind of endurance. Maybe the first step is to buy running shoes. It seems so blatantly simple. I can hear the eye rolls like, “Duh, of course, you need running shoes.” Then you must put those running shoes on and walk out your front door, deciding to walk or jog at the gym or in your neighborhood.

Any goal or decision you want to make can become a reality, no matter how Big, Hairy, and Audacious the Goal is. Your BHAGs are what dreams are made of. And you can accomplish whatever you want to in life. What would life look like if, for the next month, you wrote out 1 BHAG on a post-it note and put it all around your home, in your car, and at your office so you saw it all the time? What do you think would happen? I bet you would start seeing your environments opening up to that BHAG. You would start to formulate your first steps and want to write down more Goals and steps in fulfilling your life’s dreams. 

If you want to discuss what that looks like for you, click here


Setting 5 goals


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